<>[wmv=0]http://esway.org/valderfields.mp3[/wmv]</P> 0 ^9 Z7 F) _, B! F<></P> W8 o& C- ^0 a* x<></P> ( ^0 V* C$ l/ Y t/ R<></P> + @! w' R7 U8 b# j; F; A* X<>I was found on the ground by the fountain about <BR><BR>a fields of a summer stride <BR><BR>lying in the sun after I had tried <BR><BR>lying in the sun by the side <BR><BR>we all agreed that the council would end up <BR><BR>three hours over time <BR><BR>shoe laces were tied at the traffic lights <BR><BR>I was running late, could apply <BR><BR>for a not her one I guess <BR><BR>after parking stores are best <BR><BR>they said that there would be delays <BR><BR>on the temporary pay.<BR></P>